World Refugee day event

Navigating to a Better Life

COMPASS – Community Partnerships for Settlement Strategies is an independent, not-for-profit, incorporated in the State of Illinois in June 2018. The mission of COMPASS is to support the well-being and long-term potential of adults with interrupted education who arrived in our communities as refugees and asylees and are unable to support their families because they are underemployed, working in minimum wage, dead end jobs.

At COMPASS, we design effective strategies, tools and resources grounded in the core beliefs that what matters most in shifting from survival strategies to long-term potential is having the support to develop your own life vision, a community you can work alongside with to create meaningful change and a network of relationships that supports your ongoing learning and growth. COMPASS is tax-exempt pursuant to section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Spread the Word!

Together, we can fulfill our promise of making the United States a place where people forced to flee their homes can build an independent life. Contact us to become a community partner. Make an investment to support our work or provide direct support to subsidize costs of housing, education and repayment of the refugee travel loan so that refugees can make the shift from survival mode to long-term financial stability.

COMPASS gratefully accepts donations and gifts from individuals, businesses, private foundations, charitable trusts, and other philanthropic endeavors. Your tax-deductible donation will contribute to supporting our participants.